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Saturday, April 15, 2017

The most famous and rich single celebrities in history

The most thoughtful single and rich celebrity
Plato, be looked at the most thoughtful man in the ancient Greece, has the established man in the theory of love in spirit and still shining in the modern society. In his opinion, the love which happened between the man and woman is the most purest and summit emotion on that planet. He keep single life throughout his lifetime even though he could be thought as the millionaire man at that time.

The most advanced rich single celebrity
Leonardo da Vinci is a talented people in the ancient time shows in different but professional fields. We learned a lot from his discovery results for over hundred years. With the more and more countries and regions permit the gay couple married in law, while, Da Vinci are much less chance to experienced that but be thought as a rich gay people and being single through out his lifetime.

The most successful rich single woman
The Queen ElizabethⅠcould be honored as the glory of England, what she did at that time should be remember even nowadays is modern society. She act as a role of Queen in England when she was 25 years old, while, what she faced is a internal and external problem situations and conflicted with France. In order to keep the whole continent of England, she devoted herself to that land as being single rich queen.

The most ideal rich single celebrity
Issac Newton, a famous man in science and mentioned out some important theory in physics, as the record said that there is no evidences in Newton rich dating with any woman but devoted himself into science researches, he passed his own lifetime by own lonely, in his older period he living in the help of religion.

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